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Setting and getting system properties in Maximo using REST apis

In Maximo the SYSTEM application service has annotated methods that are leveraged by the SOAP and REST framework to access system properties. Below is an example to fetch the system property.

GET /oslc/service/system?action=wsmethod:getProperty&propName=<property name>

Expected Result:

"return": "value of the property as available in that maximo server"

Similarly one can get a list of property values based on the query below

GET /oslc/service/system?action=wsmethod:getProperties&propNames=mxe.oslc.webappurl,mxe.apikeyforloggedinuser

Expected Result:

"mxe.oslc.webappurl": "http://localhost:7001/maximo/oslc/",
"mxe.apikeyforloggedinuser": "0"

Note that the response format is different and that is because of the way the Java service methods have been defined in Maximo System service. Below we show the api to set a property

POST /oslc/service/system?action=wsmethod:setProperty


"propName": "mxe.oslc.webappurl",
"serverName": "COMMON",
"propValue": "http://locahost:9080/maximo/oslc"

Now this will also cause the live refresh (if allowed) on that property.