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API Home (/oslc or /api)

The API root URL is /oslc or /api. A GET call on the API root fetches a JSON object with necessary links to get the details of the current Maximo runtime environment. Explore the links like systeminfo, whoami, installedProducts, serverMembers APIs along with details like the current date time, language, and the calendar of the deployed Maximo system. The following list describe these API links:

System info (systeminfo)

The GET /oslc/systeminfo API provides the system information JSON for the deployed Maximo instance.

Who Am I (whoami)

The GET /oslc/whoami API provides the profile JSON for the user that is logged in.

Installed Products (products)

The GET /oslc/products API provides the list of installed add-ons for Maximo Asset Management.

Server members (members)

The GET /oslc/members API is the root API for the Maximo Management Interface (MMI).

  • The response JSON contains the list of live Maximo servers as per the Maximo serversession table. Note that it takes some time for the Maximo runtime environment to detect a down server and hence it is possible that the response shows some servers that may not be operating at that instant.
  • The resulting JSON will have links to drill down into individual servers and examine the various aspects of the Maximo runtime server health, such as memory, MBO count, integration caches, threads, and database connections.

Licenses (license)

The GET /oslc/license API provides the list of available license keys for the various Maximo components in this deployment.

API Meta (apimeta)

The GET /oslc/apimeta API provides the metadata for all the object structures that are API eligible, that is the usewith value of reporting, integration and oslc.

The metadata for each object structure includes the schema information as well as the available queries (saved queries). Additionally, the metadata provides the creation API URL and the (security) authorization application name.