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Swagger JSON and UI

This section describes the generated swagger JSON for maximo restful apis based on metadata of object structures, api routes and system apis.

Swagger JSON

In IBM Maximo Manage, the swagger JSON is created by utilizing system metadata following the OAS3 standard. It describes the standard APIs for integration Object Structures, System APIs like auto scripts with the common query parameters, object schemas (if applicable) and possible responses.

Full swagger JSON

GET maximo/oslc/oas?lean=1

The response is large and will take some time to generate. By default it will contain swagger json for all of the integration object structures in Manage.

Filter by OS names

If you need the swagger for certain object structure like MXAPIASSET, here is the example,

GET maximo/oslc/oas?os=MXAPIASSET

Filter by modules

The object structures are grouped by module like ASSET, PURCHASE. To get swagger JSON for certain module,

GET maximo/oslc/oas?module=ASSET

Get full JSON with common OS actions

By default, the common OS actions are excluded due to the size. To include all actions,

GET maximo/oslc/oas?includeactions=1

Add internal apis

GET maximo/oslc/oas?addinternal=1

Show primary apis only

GET maximo/oslc/oas?primary=1

Swagger UI

You can access the Swagger user interface to view and test the RESTful APIs by accessing following url in browser,


Note, you will need to login the system before accessing the swagger UI.

The major APIs are also grouped by module, to access the module view, try:
