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Automation Scripts

The REST APIs have a tight integration with the automation scripts. Automation scripts can be used to develop custom APIs. The following example call describes how automation scripts interact with REST APIs.

To find the total number of work that is in progress and service requests in a given site, you need to create an API since there is no out-of-the-box API for this task. Since this is a REST API with a JSON response, you can use the JavaScript language for scripting. You call this API countofwoandsr.

GET /oslc/script/countofwoandsr?site=ABC

The response in JSON is shown:

"wocount": 100,
"srcount": 20,
"total": 120

You can write the following script for this API:

Script Name: countofwoandsr

var resp = {};
var site = request.getQueryParam("site"); var woset = MXServer.getMXServer().getMboSet("workorder",request.getUserInfo()); woset.setQbe("siteid","="+site);
var woCount = woset.count(); resp.wocount = woCount;
var srset = MXServer.getMXServer().getMboSet("sr",request.getUserInfo()); srset.setQbe("siteid","="+site);
var srCount = srset.count(); resp.srcount = srCount; = srCount+woCount;

After you save the script, open your browser and initiate the GET request to validate the results.

You can also use automation scripts for implementing custom queries and custom actions.