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Supporting File Export

File exporting can be done by using query parameter _format=csv (or xml). You can download data from any object structure, for example MXAPIASSET, to a flat/xml file. As with flat format, before exporting data, supporting flat file, no alias conflict and security set up are required for the target object structure.

File Export

_format=csv /_format=xml always used with other query parameters together for different tasks.

The following parameters are the most common types: : Controls which columns are included in the CSV file. For example, if we are trying to export data from ASSET with assetnum, siteid, description and location field, we can add these four field to as,siteid,description, location.

oslc.pageSize: Controls how many records that are downloaded from server.

oslc.orderBy: Defines the orderby column in csv file.

oslc.where: Filters the data.

Most querying or filtering capabilities are available for exporting.

The following example is a REST call:

GET /oslc/os/mxapiasset?lean=1&,siteid,description,lo cation&oslc.pageSize=10&oslc.orderBy=-assetnum

By this RESTful call, we are going to download data from MXAPIASSET which including assetnum, siteid, description and location. The maximum records number is 10 and the result will be sorted by assetnum.